Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Straight Day!

For all you straight people out there, 

I declare a STRAIGHT DAY! Yay! Straight Day! Why do we need a straight day? Well, because everyone else gets a day!

Everyone can participate in straight day! On straight day, you go about your normal business as usual! Sound good? BUT, on straight day, everyone wears a clear shirt over a shirt of their choice! The clear shirt declares support of heterosexuality! Whoo hoo! AND straight day is any day you want to celebrate it! 

Here’s the great thing, on straight day, you don’t have to talk about your sexual orientation, or whether you support either side, or anything! Just don’t forget to wear your Straight Day Support shirt! Special invisible shirts, special day! Yay! Straight Day!

Gay, Straight, or in Between.

A dear friend and I went out to lunch today. As we sat eating, we talked about all the silly issues that have been completely blown out of proportion. We have both found that a large majority of people on the internet, lately, are focused on the issue of sexual orientation. Many of them are posting and promoting messages about gay pride, specifically gay pride day.

For those who don’t know: on gay pride day, people dress in purple and rainbow clothing, and decorate the backs of their cars in penises and declare their gay pride, and they picket, and argue for gay rights, and they wave flags with rainbows on them. They hold parades and parties, they cover things in condoms, and they take pornographic photos. Bars fill up, people take the day off of work, petitions are written, and gay and lesbian clubs become so full you can barely dance. Facebook pages, blog posts, and media become littered with people’s opinions and arguments. It’s a big deal! But should it be?

People who are gay, or homosexual, lesbian, or bisexual, transgender, straight, whatever it is, whatever you want to call it, it DOES NOT MATTER. People are people. We are all human, we all have feelings, opinions, and ideas. So, for those participating in these days, that’s all fine and dandy, but you are just causing problems for those who are humbly homosexual or bisexual. It is not a big deal; it is not an issue, if you do not make it one. Yes, fight for rights; yes, support each other; yes, spread the word that we should all love and accept one another; yes, live, but let live. 

Don’t force it on people. We don’t need to make it a holiday in which we flaunt our pride, celebrate and commercialize sex, and turn our noses up at those who don’t. That is not right. We don’t need to go out looking for a fight where there is not evidence of one. We do not need to make it nasty. It has gone too far and I am not a supporter of the activities that have caused a bad name on all those who choose the less trodden path of homosexuality or bisexuality.

Let the pride swell in your heart! 

Speak up when spoken to! Love yourself and those around you! Don’t create problems and social issues. If you are a supporter, or you have a friend who needs support, let him or her know you’re there, but don’t go posting all over and yelling to the sky, accusing entire religions, or the whole population of straight people of being cruel and judgmental. Yes, things happen and people are mean sometimes, but we all need to realize that a mean action should not be handled with another mean action.

Show your pride by loving others, not by waving your pretty rainbow flags in people's faces and covering other people's property in condoms and fake penises.

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